Yaka village is a village in the province of Mugla, which is connected to Fethiye ilçesi`n. Fethiye`Y distance is around 35 km from Fethiye, Antalya can be reached by road.
The place has proven next to its name Yakaköy` with cold water. In particular, it acted as a world made its name with Tilos. One ancient theater in one Tlos` Castle, the historic ruins and tombs. Today is a city abandoned derelict ruinous to view the ancient theater. Thousands of local and foreign tourists hosted Tlos` this state and all the time we are upset the fans.
Yakaköy` in this tlos available not only to visit a lot more places are available. Cold natural springs transmit enchants us. This spring waters surrounding villages, towns and even some message to Fethiye `even afford to live trout farms and drinking water prepared in the restaurant and sightseeing places are available in the natural environment. You put your foot over the water for 10 minutes almost impossible.
Yakaköy` previously living in livestock, particularly mAktAydIlAr provide their livelihood from sources such as agriculture, including horticulture anise and wheat. But since people suffered this village tourism is their livelihood since opening Standards SASL though in small tourist sity Captain. Foods such as pancakes etc. you will see the roadside, live trout farms and small and large facilities, such as restaurants.
How to get there?
We leave on the highway on the way to Saklikent Fethiye to Antalya resort of Kemer. After about 5 km we leave again continued after this crossroads on the left hand side you will be able to see the splendor of the castle.
You own vehicles or minibuses from Fethiye and it is possible to go with the tour.